Great to meet you!

Your journey to wellness starts here!

Where it Started....

Our journey into wellness began with a personal experience.

Ginger worked real hard in an innovative and holistic sense to come up with a plan to help her son who experienced an autoimmune reaction at age eight. The experience led Ginger to a career as an integrative nurse practitioner, and now, she and Randy are bringing that passion to Martinsville.

What We Discovered

We discovered that bringing awareness helps individuals optimize their own health.

Our goal of creating a tranquil and rejuvenating space for the community offers a space to address both mental and physical wellness. All communities need these outlets.

How We Can Help You

We offer a variety of services that focus on mental and body wellness. 

We have multiple suites available to address both mental and physical wellness including (but not limited to) The Desert Heat Suite, The Ocean Float Suite and the Salt Sensations Salt Cave Suite. To learn more about our suites, click here...

Meet Randy & Ginger

Oasis Wellness Escape, a new spa in Martinsville, aims to offer residents relaxation and holistic health options that were previously only available with long commutes. The facility, owned by husband-and-wife team Ginger and Randy Epling, features a sensory deprivation tank, a salt cave, and an infrared sauna, with plans to expand offerings in the future. Read more about Ginger & Randy's journey to Oasis Wellness Escape here...

* The statements made herein are not intended to diagnose, cure treat or prevent any disease. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new wellness modalities.


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